My Family

I created this blog to keep track of my family history research. I do most of my research online.

The Francis name is my husband's which was originally Francisco from Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal. He also has ancestors from Sweden and England. So far, I have found that my family has come from Italy, England, French Canada, Scotland, and Ulster Ireland (Scotch Irish).

I have also taken a DNA test, which shows mostly Italian, but also England and France.

Monday, April 22, 2013

richard stodder and monica marsh

My 5th great grandmother, Lydia Stodder, is indexed in the Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 on as having died February 5, 1864. This record connects my family to Richard Stodder and a Mary Marsh as her parents.

death of lydia stodder whiting in Hingham, MA

I have not been able to find a record of marriage for a Richard Stodder and Mary Marsh, but there is one for Richard Stodder and Monica Marsh, on May 30, 1773 in Hingham, MA. This marriage would be in the same time period of Lydia's birth around 1779. All other records for Monica do not refer to her as Mary, so I am not sure why Lydia's death record would have recorded her mother's name as Mary, if these are in fact the correct parents. Maybe it is an incorrect transcription or someone mistakenly informed them of the wrong name at the time of Lydia's death.

marriage of richard stodder and monica marsh in hingham, ma

I wanted to find more information on Richard Stodder and Monica Marsh to see if I could connect them further with Lydia Stodder.

The first place I checked was History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts, Volume 3, page 201, which lists Lydia as the daughter of Richard Stodder and Monica Marsh. The problem with these town history books, is many times the source of their information is not noted. I am not sure where the authors found the children of Richard and Monica, as I have not been able to locate birth records for them. Maybe they are in the Hingham church records somewhere, but I did not find them in the Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988. The only records I did find were the death records of the three unnamed children, which states Richard as their father and no mention of a Mary or a Monica.

History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts, Volume 3, page 201
Richard Stodder and Monica Marsh family

The next record produced would be Lydia's marriage to Benjamin Whiton. Unfortunately, marriage records from Massachusetts for this time period usually do not provide the parent's names. This is also the case for Lydia's marriage to Benjamin. Lydia's supposed siblings listed above also do not list their parents on their marriage records.

marriage of Benjamin Whiton and Lydia Stodder in Hingham, MA

If Lydia is part of this family, her mother Monica, dies in 1810 in Hingham. There is an entry for Monica Stodder's death in Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, and the date of 1810 matches. This only shows that there was a Monica married to a Richard Stodder in Hingham that dies in 1810, but still does not connect any of their children to this couple. Since the probate records are accessable online for Plymouth County, I searched the index to see if there was a Monica or a Mary Stodder listed which may show this connection. There are many Mary's; however, none with a date around 1810. I did the same for Richard's death of 1819, but again there was no match in the probate index. (note 1)

Although the History of Hingham book states that Lydia's siblings are Gridley Stodder and Mary Stodder, I have not found any evidence to support this. The 1790 census does show that Richard Stodder from Hingham has 2 males under 16 living in the household and 4 total females. This would account for Gridley and another male child and for females: Lydia, Mary, and Richard's wife Monica, plus one more female. Perhaps another widow and child, maybe a sister to Richard or Monica, is living with them at this time; or maybe Richard and Monica have another son and daughter that is not accounted for in the History of Hingham book.  By 1800, the census shows that Richard and Monica are living by themselves in Hingham.   I am not sure where their supposed son Gridley would have been living in 1800.   He was 19 years old, and not married yet; but he does not seem to be listed as a head of household in the area. Maybe he was on a ship at this point, as his later profession is a mariner.

I also searched for death information on these siblings listed in the Hingham book.  Gridley's death does not list any parents, and I was unable to find Mary's death record. Mary's husband Ichabod Stodder does have some probate records online, but since Mary died before Ichabod (according to History of Hingham book), Mary is not mentioned in the probate. His supposed sister-in-law, Mary's sister, Lydia, is also not mentioned. Lydia's brother Gridley does have some probate records online, but they are for gaurdianship appointed to Jedidiah Lincoln, as Gridley is unable to take care of himself in 1810, at the age of 32. His death record states he was a mariner, but also insane. It seems strange to me that although he was incapable of taking care of himself, Gridley was married in 1807. Maybe something happened to him after marriage, or maybe they were married inspite of it.

None of these records have shown a connection of Lydia Stodder to Richard and Monica together, or to her siblings Gridley and Mary. So far, the only connection I have that Lydia is connected to Richard Stodder is Lydia's death recorded mentioned first in this post, from the Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 database. There does not seem to be any other Richard Stodder's in Hingham for this time period, so it is likely that Lydia is the daughter of Richard and Monica; but not conclusive. Hingham town and church records will have to be located to find more evidence than the History of Hingham book provides.


1. I also searched the Plymouth County Probate index for Monica Marsh's siblings, and Richard Stodder's siblings; hoping I would find one that mentions either Monica Stodder as wife of Richard Stodder; or one that mentions any nieces and nephews as children of Richard and Monica. I obtained sibling information for both from the History of Hingham book, shown below. There were some probate records online for them, but none mention Monica or Richard or their children.

Monday, April 8, 2013

nathaniel french (part 3 of 3)


Nathaniel French died on September 19, 1818 in Hingham, MA.  His death is recorded in the Vital Records of Hingham available on  This record has Nathaniel's age as 42 years old, which would make Nathaniel's birth year 1777.  This date conflicts with the birth date I have for Nathaniel as son of George Lane French and Sarah Tower.  The date of their son's birth is 1768.  This death record is a transcribed document; though, so it could be incorrect. 

Hingham Vital Records, death of Nathaniel French

To complicate things a little, I did find another transcription of Hingham town records on, Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988This record has the same death date of September 19, 1818 for Nathaniel French in Hingham, MA; but has his age as 52, not 42 years old.  This transcription makes much more sense for my Nathaniel, which would give him a birth date of about 1767.  This is close to the birth date of 1768 for the son of George Lane French and Sarah Tower.  I do believe that the first record was transcribed incorrectly and Nathaniel is the son of George and Sarah.  I did not find any other Nathaniel's in the town records for births or deaths that match.  Which makes things a little easier to trace Nathaniel in Hingham. 

Massachusetts Town and Vital Records, Hingham, Nathaniel French death

When Nathaniel died, he left his widow Sarah with two daughters, 13 and 15 years old; and three sons at the ages of 17, 19, and 21. None of his children were married yet. Most were probably still living at home when Nathaniel died (the 1820 census has all but one older son living with their mother Sarah).  I was also able to find Nathaniel French's probate file on familysearch which supports the 1818 death date of Nathaniel French in the records above.  Once you get into the actual probate records, they also do mention his widow, Sarah. 

From nathaniel french march 2013

The first probate document is a letter of administration for David Whiton, of Hingham to be the administrator to Nathaniel French's estate.  It was signed by Jedidiah Lincoln and John Curtis.  David Whiton was probably a friend of the family as I do not have him listed in my family tree. Nathaniel's son Freeman marries a Joanna Whiting, but she does not seem to have a David in her immediate family. (Plymouth Probate vol. 46, p. 308)

The next document provides the names of the men who will appraise the estate of Nathaniel French: David Whiton, gentelmen; Perez Whiton and Daniel Wilder, yoeman. (Plymouth Probate vol. 50, p. 49)

There is also an inventory of Nathaniel's Estate provided in his Probate file. This is where Nathaniel's widow, Sarah, is first mentioned. The documents show Sarah will receive any items she chooses to the sum of $300.00. (Plymouth Probate vol. 50 p. 50-51)

The inventory is interesting to see what Nathaniel and his family possessed. It seems Nathaniel had land in Abington in addition to Hingham.  (Plymouth Probate vol. 50 p. 50-51)  One of Nathaniel's sons, Freeman, does move to Abington after he marries around 1826. Maybe he purchased the land at auction from his father's estate, although he only would have been about 17 years old. Abington is part of Plymouth County so I will search for deed transactions for this county around 1818 up to 1826.

The inventory also mentions that Nathaniel owned a farm and 1/2 of a Coopers Shop. (Plymouth Probate vol. 50 p. 50-51).  I found an interesting article on coopers from Old Sturbridge Village website which discusses both the trade of coopers and how they often also kept farms. Most of the tools listed in Nathaniel's inventory seem to be farm tools. (see note 1)  I was a little surprised to see that Nathaniel was a Cooper, as the History of Hingham book states that he was a packetman (p238). I have not found any evidence of this profession for Nathaniel, I wonder if he could have done both. Part of the description for Coopers on the Old Sturbridge Village website does discuss making barrels that are used for shipping. Maybe his barrels were sent on the ships.

Another document in Nathaniel's probate allows the adminsitrator, David Whiton, to sell items or land from the Estate of Nathaniel French to the sum of $800.00 so that he may pay the debts of Nathaniel.  (note 2) (Plymouth Probate vol. 50, p 427)

These debts are also listed in Nathaniel's Probate file.  The article on Coopers does mention that usually accounting books were kept noting bills and receipts. I am guessing that is where the administrator accessed the information for Nathaniel's debts.  These debts list many familiar surnames, such as Chubbuck, Gardners, Whitings and Whitons, and Dills. Also mentioned are Deacon John Jacobs and Doctor Shute. (Plymouth Probate vol. 53, p.131) (note 3)  I have not been able to find any information on a Deacon John Jacobs for this time period, but the History of Hingham book does discuss Dr. Daniel Shute and his son Dr. Daniel Shute Jr., who both resided on Main Street in the south part of Hingham. This is probably the area in Hingham that Nathaniel French also lived as most of the above mentioned surnames are also from South Hingham.

Having these probate records is great, but they have left me with some questions, such as:
  • Who was the land at auction sold to? Was it the land in Hingham or Abington, or both?
  • Who owned the other half of the cooper shop?
  • Did his widow Sarah remain on land in Hingham, and who was that handed down to?
  • Since he had property and items to hand down, why didn't he leave a will, did he die suddenly?

1.  Plymouth Probate vol. 50 p. 50-51
Inventory of Estate of Nathaniel French
  • 25 1/2 acres of land in the homeplace at 35.............................................................$892.50
  • 7 acres of woodland in Abington, 56...dwelling house 575.....................................$631.00
  • 1 barn 100, 1/2 a Cooper shop 12 ...........................................................................$112.00
  • $1635.50
  • 1 hog 30, 2 sheep 5, 3 cows 60..................................................................................$95.00
  • 3 Tom English Hay ?, Salt? 10, pesh? 15..................................................................$70.00
  • 2 ladders 2,25, 4 hay forks 2, 25, 3 rakes 3,25............................................................$2.25
  • 1 hand cart 2, 9 hoes ?, 4 spade ? ...............................................................................$4.00
  • 1 ? shovel .40, 1 dung fork .75, 2 scythes and staff .75, 3 yokes .50 .........................$2.40
  • 1 ? hoe .50, 1 bill hook .50, 2 iron crows ? ................................................................$3.50
  • 1 beetle and 3 wedges .75, 1 collar and hamer .50, 1 gindstone ?..............................$2.50
  • 3 ? ?, 1 cropeut saw ?, 1 handsaw .50, 2 wood saw ?..................................................$6.50
  • augen? gimblets chipals?, old iron ? , 2 pittelyards ? .................................................$6.00
  • 1 gun 8.00, 1 pistol 1.00, 4 kat? irons 1.00, 1 coffee mill .50 ....................................$5.50
  • 4 dish kettles 2.00, 2 pots 1.50, 1 tea kettle 1.00, 3 spiders 1.50 ...............................$6.00
  • 1 toad iron .50, 1 bread ? .50, 1 cheese ? .50, wooden ? ? 10...................................$11.50
  • 2 meal ? 1, dairy furniture 2.50, 9 kitchen chairs 2.50................................................$6.00
  • 1 table .50, 1 fire sett 1.50, 1 lantern, candlestick, lamps and bellows 1.....................$3.00
  • books 6.00, bed, furniture in the East Back chamber 12.00.......................................$18.00
  • wool and sundries in the West Champber 3.00, 3 bbls cider? 6.00............................$10.00
  • potatoes 13.00, empty bbls, keg? in the cellar 5.00, cheese 10.00 ............................$28.00
  • bed and purniture in the front room 36.00, crockery in the frontroom closet 5.00, ...$41.00
  • 1 doz knives and forks 2.00, 9 silver teaspoons 3.00, 1 silver watch 10.00 ...............$15.00
  • ? 19.00, wearing apparel 22.00 .....................................................................................$41.00
  • $399.15
  • pew in meeting house ..................................................................................................10.00
  • $409.15
David Whiton, administrator on the Estate of Nathaniel French, late of Hingham in said County, yeoman deceased...You are hereby directed to deliver to Sarah French the widow of said deceased so much of his personal Eastate in such articles as she may choose as will amount to the sum of three hundred according to their appriased value the same being an allowance much her for necessaries...after the widow Sarah French has selected from the personal Eastate of said deceased the allowance that has been made her you are hereby...
pg. 51
authorized to sell the residue at public or private sale as you shall judge most beneficial to all persons interested therein and account unto me for the porceeds thereof...
2. Plymouth Probate vol. 50, p 427
To the Hon Joshua Thomas, Esq, judge of Probate for the County of Plymouth, who petition of preresentation of David Whiton administratior on the Estate of Nathaniel French late of Hingham in the said County yeoman deceased humbly show that the personal Estate of said deceased is insufficient by the sum of eight hundred dollars to pay all his past debts and incidental charges therefore prays that he may be licensed and empowered to sell so much of said deceased real Estate as shall produce the sum aforesaid ...
Plymouth Court of Probate, Dec 6th, 1819, on the foregoing petition ordered that the said David Whiton cause personal notice to be given to all persons interested in said Estate of this his petition and order thereon and that they may appear at the Court of Probate now held at Scituate in said County on this first monday of Dec instant at three o clock pm when and where they may appear and show cause if any they have why the prayer of said petition should not be granted...
Plymouth December 6, 1819 by virtue of the within I have notified the widow and children of the deceased Nathaniel French to appear at the times and place and for the ? within mentioned.
Plymouth Court of Probate Decmeber 6 1819 David Whiton Administrator of the Estate of Nathaniel French late of Hingham in said County yeoman deceased having filed in the probate office for said County his petition for License to sell as much of the real etsate of said deceased as will produce the sum of eight hundred dollars for the purpose of paying his just debt and incidental charges and the said David Whiton having given notice to all persons interested in said Estate agreeable to the order of this Court all which being made evident to me by due Examination, therefore ordered that the said David Whiton be and hereby empowered to sell and pay deed to convey so much of said deceased in real Estate as shall produce the sum.
3. Plymouth Probate vol. 53, p.131
The account of David Whiton adminstrator on the estate of Nathaniel French late of Hingham yeoman deceased
The said accountant charges himself with sundry receipts viz
  • for sundires sold at auction as ? 25.27 cash ? of Benjamin Whiton balance of ? .............31.29
  • Warren Thayer note ?, Joshua Damon 15, Daniel Chubbard note ? 116.25 ..................135.25
  • Deacon John Jacob note of interest 11.85, Jesse Gardner 1.63, Joseph Whiton 3.05......16.53
  • Col Washington Cushing 1.75, Deac J. Jacobs 2, David Whiton balance of ? 319.82...323.57
  • Sundry articles of personal estate including cash delivered widow on account of allowance by the judge..........................................................................................................................273.90
  • cash received for the real estate sold at auction by order of court.............................800.00
And ? allowance for the following payments and charges viz
  • sundries delivered the widow by order of the judge 277.90 as paid samuel gardner jr 2.61................................................................................................................................280.51
  • james gardner 5.78 joseph whiton on 2 notes and interest 15.60 -................................21.38
  • job loring jr. 5.50 perez whiting balance 7.94 davis whiting balance 10.35 ..................23.79
  • eliha whiton 2.08 mary dills note 152.01 doctr shute jr. 25.49...................................179.58
  • daniel dills note and int. 15.58 emma dills 22.72 whiton and fearing's acct 19.57........57.87
  • doctr shute 2.40 deacon john jacobs note and int 138.22 ? 70.12................................210.47
  • henry chubbuck note and int 107.55 ditto 35.20 ditto 154 ditto 256...........................552.75
  • ditto for cash lent 60 abigail gardner note and int 23.98................................................83.98
  • patience gardner 41.34, ditto 4.36 anthony gardner bill 4.09.........................................49.79
  • perez whiting 2.25 david whiton and co. bill 27.47 daniel wilder 2.32..........................32.04
  • ? Lane 2 B wilder collector 5.20 B. wilder collector 8.42..............................................15.62
  • paid joshua hersey jr collector 3.20 joseph wilder ? .30...................................................3.50
  • probate fees 5.85 ditto for inventory 1.25 for license to sell real estate 5.50 ................12.60
  • perez whiting collector 4.53 administrators services 30, probate fees for recording ?...36.53
                                                                                                          Sarah French left her mark x

to do:

1.  Search for the deed for Freeman French's land in Abington - Plymouth County Deeds - 1818-1830.  Freeman then moves back to South Scituate/Norwell, where all his children were born - after Nathaniel's death.   (need to search index at registry in Plymouth for these dates - records are online, but need book vol. number, etc)

2. Find where Nathaniel's land went after his death and after his wife's death - their children:
  • son Theodore said to have removed from Hingham in the History of Hingham book.  I could not find a record of him in Hingham.
  • son Nathaniel stayed in Hingham, died in 1867 - look at his children too.
  • daughter Mary French marries Joseph Wilder, remains in Hingham - have a son Joseph Wilder
  • daughter Sarah dies in 1863, marries Jacob Dunbar - not sure where they ended up or if they had children.